Malvolio becomes, in default of competition, the play's moral centre. 因为没有与其竞争者,马伏里奥自然成了该剧的道德核心。
The company is in default on the loan. 这家公司拖欠借款。
That could put the U.S. in default on its obligations, a state of affairs that all sane people agree would be disastrous, raising the risk of flight from the dollar and permanently higher federal borrowing costs. 果真如此,美国债务违约在所难免,由此将引发美元的抛售以及联邦借贷成本永久性的提高,由此引发的后果将是灾难性的,相信一切有识之士都不会否认这一点。
The other lodgers had moved away or had died, or had been turned out in default of payment. 其他的房客都早已搬了,死了,或是因欠付租金而被撵走了。
A grandnephew is almost the same as a grandson; in default of a lawyer one takes a lancer. 侄孙和外孙,区别不大,丢了个律师,来个长矛兵。
Another interesting and simpler use case for this method is in providing default values for arguments. 这种方法的另一个更简单的有趣用例是,为参数提供默认值。
The data can be viewed using the Resource tab in the default report when the performance result is opened. 当打开性能结果时,可以使用默认报告的Resource选项卡来查看数据。
These Web servers are typically not enabled to perform authentication of requests in their default configuration. 这些Web服务器的缺省配置中通常不支持执行请求的身份验证。
Select the text in the Default action URL box and copy it to the clipboard. 选择DefaultactionURL框中的文本并把它复制到剪贴板。
You can get these event codes from their associated log records in the default log. 可以从默认日志中的相关日志记录中获得这些事件代码。
You will see your file listed in the default group on the files tabbed page. 您会看到文件被列出在file选项卡页面中的默认组中。
For example, we're representing network utilization and error rates in the default set. 例如,我们以默认设置表示网络利用率和错误率。
You specify the default virtual image for each hypervisor type in the Default Deploy Settings. 您可以在DefaultDeploySettings中为每个虚拟机管理程序类型指定默认虚拟镜像。
The essential technique for using pseudo is the same as that used for fakeroot in its default use case. pseudo使用的基本技术与在默认用例中fakeroot使用的技术相同。
Check the algorithm as explained in Global default values and global maximum values. 检查全局缺省值和全局最大值中说明的算法。
In the default profile, only one SOA lifecycle is supported. 在默认概要文件中,只有一个SOA生命周期受到支持。
Locate your file in the default content group. 在默认内容组中定位文件。
For the customization requirements, it takes a hybrid pattern: several fixed data fields are reserved for each table in default, but still support the sub-table pattern. 它采用一种混合模式满足定制需求:在每个表中默认保留几个固定的数据字段,但是还支持子表模式。
This will automatically fill in the default values in the rest of the dialog. 这将在剩余的条目中自动填充默认值。
In the compact rendering set, notice that the Drop-down ( selection) widget, rather than the Link widget, is used in default rendering for selection lists. 在compact赋值设置之中,您会注意到下拉(选择)工具,而不是Link工具,会在选择列表的默认赋值中使用。
In its default configuration, OpenBSD has proven one of the most secure operating systems available. 在它的默认配置下,OpenBSD已经证实是当前最为安全可靠的一种操作系统。
There is some difference in the default values though for the two platform types. 不过这两个平台类型的缺省值有一些区别。
For simplicity, this example installs its code in the default targets. 为了简单起见,这个示例在缺省目标处安装其代码。
It gives me fast access to resources in the default locale. 它为我提供了对缺省语言环境中资源的快速访问。
In the default settings or Application settings,. NET has choices for line and function modes. 在默认设置或Application设置中,.NET拥有对行和函数模式的选择。
Windows agents have a similar configuration file in the default location Program Files/ IBM/ SDP/ Majordomo. Windows代理在默认位置ProgramFiles/IBM/SDP/Majordomo中拥有一个类似的配置文件。
You can create users in the default rile registry by using the zero CLI. 您可以使用zeroCLI在默认的文件注册表中创建用户。
Replace the server and port values in the default location with your container's hostname and port. 将默认位置中的server和port值替换为容器的主机名和端口。
Options in the default page and in other pages depend on the level of permission the user is given. 默认页面和其他页面中的选项取决于用户分配到的权限级别。